Toate informațiile reprezintă responsabilitatea exclusivă a echipei de proiect a a Școlii Gimnaziale nr.1 Brănești, jud. Ilfov, iar Agenţia Naţională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educaţiei şi Formării Profesionale şi Comisia Europeană nu sunt responsabile pentru modul în care este folosit conţinutul acestor informaţii.
The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
This project will be a bridge between European countries and generations.
Its aim is to provide students and teachers with a learning approach beyond the classroom constraints, in a non-formal learning context based on active learning. We will share good practices to encourage direct student participation to their own learning and personal development. In this adventure of knowledge, they will discover, under supervision, the treasures of their national and European literature. Understanding how to make masks, how to create and use puppets for Shadow Theatre, and how to write and act in a Drama play. To integrate their language skills and ICT skills. They will discover all of these using the internet and books and the most important resource: their grandparents, parents, and elderly from their local community. The puppet theater is the most accessible artistic genre in which all human types, all levels of society, all crafts and occupations are easily found. It helps the child to understand himself, and develop communication and social insertion skills.
Our students will collaborate for 2 years with their European peers from UK, Turkey and Greece, and will gain socio- cultural knowledge of the partner countries through 2 short-term exchanges of groups of pupils (in the UK and Romania). Teachers from 4 partner schools will improve the quality of the educational act and exchange good practices, through 2 short term joint staff training events (on producing puppets and masks, and on web tools 2.0).
Our Project will internationalize the schools and create a European dimension in curricula.
Project’s TwinSpace https://twinspace.etwinning.net/60942/home
Management meeting in Penzance, Cornwall, UK
Short-term joint staff training events in Serres, Greece
Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils in Penzance, UK